Temporary work

Temporary work, Try and hire or Recruitment for permanent employment - it is up to you.


Temporary work

Busy periods, holidays or peak season. There are numerous reasons to hire one or more additional resources into your company and we can help you find the best foreign temporary workers in a short time. Not from day to day, but within few weeks.
We have access to hundreds of temporary workers through our recruitment offices in Poland and Romania. Although their strengths and professional skills may differ, they all share a common commitment to flexibility, loyalty and engagement as well as a desire to work in Denmark on a short or long-term basis. In fact, there is no limit to the duration of temporary employment.

We take care of all the practicalities

It is easy to hire a foreign temp, at least when you do it through BlueCollar. That is because we provide a comprehensive service package that is included in the price. This means that we manage all the practical and legal details associated with the employment, leaving you free to focus on your business.

We take care of such tasks as:

  • Recruitment or head-hunting

  • Payment of wages in accordance with collective agreements

  • Administration before and during the entire temporary employment

  • Assistance with the provision of accommodation and any transport

  • Translation and start-up assistance at the workplace on the first day

  • Personnel responsibility during the entire employment

  • Financial cover of any sickness absence

Try and hire

To ensure that both you and our temps mutually benefit from the collaboration, we offer a form of employment called: Try and hire.

Try and hire is a cross between permanent employment and a temporary position. Try and hire affords you an opportunity to try out a candidate before choosing to employ the person or terminate the collaboration. This allows you to focus on the suitability of the employee for the job and your company without using resources on start-up administration.

We take care of the practicalities

It is costly to hire the wrong employees. Not only does it cost money, but it also costs time to start up a new employee. With try and hire you can let us manage the practical and legal details of the recruitment process and start-up phase. Thereafter, you can assess whether we have found the right candidate for the job.

We take care of such tasks as:

  • Recruitment or head-hunting

  • Payment of wages in accordance with collective agreements during the try and hire period

  • Administration before and during the try and hire period

  • Assistance with the provision of accommodation and any transport

  • Translation and start-up assistance at the workplace on the first day

  • Personnel responsibility during the try and hire period

  • Financial cover of any sickness absence during the try and hire period

Recruitment for permanent employment

If you need an employee to work a fixed number of hours per month, either part time or full time, we can also help.

We have our own recruitment offices in Poland and Romania, from which we recruit some of most skilled and diligent workers in Europe. Most of our candidates are educated in professions within production, industry and the construction sector. However, if you are interested in foreign workers within other professions, we can usually help with that too.

We take care of the practicalities at the start

When you wish to employ one of our candidates in a fixed position, we manage the entire recruitment phase, including start-up in Denmark and at the workplace. Thereafter, you assume responsibility for the employee and the payment of a fixed salary, including supplements, holiday pay, pension etc. The salary is calculated in accordance with existing collective agreements.

We take care of such tasks as:

  • Recruitment or head-hunting

  • Administration prior to the actual employment

  • Assistance with the provision of accommodation and any transport

  • Start-up assistance at the workplace on the first day